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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Warpstock 2019 Simple presentation template    Popular
A simple OpenOffice presentation template for Warpstock 2019
  Ver:    Date: Apr.22.19   Rating: 0.00   712     82.07 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Warpstock 2019 Schedule    Popular
PDF version of Warpstock 2019 Schedule
  Ver:    Date: Nov.01.19   Rating: 0.00   786     34.85 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Warpstock 2019 Presenter Biographies    Popular
Warpstock 2019 Presenter Biographies
  Ver:    Date: Nov.01.19   Rating: 0.00   663     45.31 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Warpstock 2019 Presentations    Popular
Summaries of Warpstock 2019 Presentations
  Ver:    Date: Nov.01.19   Rating: 0.00   694     46.47 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  RPM Development Environment    Popular
Neil Waldhauer
RPM Development Environment
  Ver:    Date: Nov.10.19   Rating: 0.00   766     67.80 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  PC partitioning, OS2 LVM, GPT    Popular
Jan van Wijk
PC partitioning, OS2 LVM, GPT
  Ver:    Date: Nov.13.19   Rating: 0.00   1079     210.50 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  On-disk filesystem structures    Popular
Jan van Wijk
On-disk filesystem structures
  Ver:    Date: Nov.13.19   Rating: 0.00   969     267.37 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  DFSee concepts and Q&A    Popular
Jan van Wijk
DFSee concepts and Q&A
  Ver:    Date: Nov.13.19   Rating: 0.00   859     160.80 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  DFSee 16.x overview, demo - Q&A    Popular
Jan van Wijk
DFSee 16.x overview, demo - Q&A
  Ver:    Date: Nov.13.19   Rating: 0.00   946     878.64 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: LewisR
  CUPS printers vs PM printers    Popular
This session is focused on the CUPS subsystem and how it is integrated with the traditional OS/2 Presentation Manager print subsystem.
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Nov.09.19   Rating: 0.00   733     51.92 KB  
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