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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  PC partitioning, OS2 LVM, GPT    Popular
Jan van Wijk
PC partitioning, OS2 LVM, GPT
  Ver:    Date: Nov.13.19   Rating: 0.00   1079     210.50 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  On-disk filesystem structures    Popular
Jan van Wijk
On-disk filesystem structures
  Ver:    Date: Nov.13.19   Rating: 0.00   969     267.37 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  DFSee concepts and Q&A    Popular
Jan van Wijk
DFSee concepts and Q&A
  Ver:    Date: Nov.13.19   Rating: 0.00   859     160.80 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  DFSee 16.x overview, demo - Q&A    Popular
Jan van Wijk
DFSee 16.x overview, demo - Q&A
  Ver:    Date: Nov.13.19   Rating: 0.00   946     878.64 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: LewisR
  ArcaOS update    Popular
In this session, Lewis Rosenthal, Managing Member of Arca Noae, LLC, will provide an update on the status of the 5.0 release cycle and expectations for 5.1.
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Nov.13.19   Rating: 0.00   909     310.07 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  ArcaOS Retro-Gaming Machine    Popular
Martin Iturbide
ArcaOS Retro-Gaming Machine
  Ver:    Date: Nov.11.19   Rating: 0.00   1116     5.23 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  RPM Development Environment    Popular
Neil Waldhauer
RPM Development Environment
  Ver:    Date: Nov.10.19   Rating: 0.00   766     67.80 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: LewisR
  CUPS printers vs PM printers    Popular
This session is focused on the CUPS subsystem and how it is integrated with the traditional OS/2 Presentation Manager print subsystem.
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Nov.09.19   Rating: 0.00   733     51.92 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Warpstock 2019 Schedule    Popular
PDF version of Warpstock 2019 Schedule
  Ver:    Date: Nov.01.19   Rating: 0.00   786     34.85 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations D. 2019 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Warpstock 2019 Presentations    Popular
Summaries of Warpstock 2019 Presentations
  Ver:    Date: Nov.01.19   Rating: 0.00   694     46.47 KB  
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