Warpstock 2008 - Open for Registration
Registrations are open now, and will close on July 25.
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Thursday, February 06 2025 @ 06:31 PM Warpstock 2008 - Open for RegistrationRegistrations are open now, and will close on July 25. Call for speakers and topicsThe calendar for Warpstock 2008 is available for viewing. All those interested in making presentations or conducting workshops are asked to submit their information to the Speaker Committee as soon as possible. In addition, all those who would like to attend a presentation or participate in a workshop on a particular topic are urged to make that topic known to the Speaker Committee. If the presenters and their topics do not match up with the topics requested, we on the speaker committee will do our best to root out an expert on the topic. As chairman of the speaker committee and ably assisted by Gregg Young, we would ask that you please submit your cards and letters as soon as possible to the Speaker Committee. Chuck McKinnis Warpstock 2008 Site Chosen!Warpstock 2008. The location chosen is Santa Cruz, California at the University of California, Santa Cruz. The dates for Warpstock 2008 are August 15th to 17th, 2008. Watch our website at http://www.warpstock.org for more information as it becomes available. We look forward to seeing you in Santa Cruz in August. Changes to our web shop
Warpstock 2007 Travel Mugs are in limited quantity, so get yours while supplies last. Warpstock 2008 Bid Deadline March 15All bids must be received on or before MARCH 15, 2008 by e-mail to: bids | warpstock.org. Only bids received at this e-mail address will be considered. This deadline has been set in order that adequate time is available for all the necessary planning and preparation to occur. This includes: * planning by the Event Team to secure the venue; * planning by the Speaker Committee to arrange presenters; and * planning by the attendees to get to the site of Warpstock 2008. The Board of Directors would like to make the announcement of location for Warpstock 2008 as soon as possible. Information about the bid process and the requirements for hosting a Warpstock event will be found on the Warpstock web site at http://www.warpstock.org/staticpages/index.php?page=bidproc and http://www.warpstock.org/staticpages/index.php?page=BSO. This bid should contain a list of the individuals involved, the city or area in which the event would be held, and the suggested time of year for the event. The letter of intent may contain any additional information about the proposed bid that the team wishes to share. It should also include the benefits of holding the event in their suggested location. This letter does not need to be in great detail about the proposed event, but rather, a commitment from the group about entering into the bid process. The Board of Directors will remain in close contact with the Teams throughout the entire bid process, including final site selection. The Board of Directors contains a number of past Event Team members and will be available to provide support for any group wishing to submit a proposal. Now is the time to start! Let's make Warpstock 2008 a most memorable Warpstock! Warpstock 2008 Bids Now Being AcceptedGroups or individuals considering hosting Warpstock 2008 should submit a letter of their intent to host this event by e-mail to: bids | warpstock.org. Information about the bid process and the requirements for hosting a Warpstock event will be found on the Warpstock web site at http://www.warpstock.org/staticpages/index.php?page=bidproc and http://www.warpstock.org/staticpages/index.php?page=BSO. This letter of intent should contain a list of the individuals involved, the city or area in which the event would be held, and the suggested time of year for the event. The letter of intent may contain any additional information about the proposed bid that the team wishes to share. It should also include the benefits of holding the event in their suggested location. This letter does not need to be in great detail about the proposed event, but rather, a commitment from the group about entering into the bid process. The Board of Directors will remain in close contact with the Teams throughout the entire bid process, including final site selection. The Board of Directors contains a number of past Event Team members and will be available to provide support for any group wishing to submit a proposal. Now is the time to start! Let's make Warpstock 2008 a most memorable Warpstock! Warpstock 2007 Photos Added to Media GalleryWarpstock 2008 Event PlanningAccordingly, feedback from the community is requested, so please register your vote! **NOTE** To select multiple weekends, simply vote multiple times. Warpstock 2007 Is Now HistoryTo all those who attended, we hope that this year's edition has met your needs and expectations. To those who didn't make it, you were missed and we hope to see you next year at the twelfth Warpstock at a location to be announced at a later date. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to express our sincere appreciation to all those who have made Warpstock 2007 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada successful. This appreciation extends
It requires the dedicated efforts of many volunteers to put on an event such as Warpstock and make it a success. How do we measure success? We measure success from the comments and support of those who attended. The fact that we have provided an interesting and informative event for our attendees is our primary goal. We hope that all who attended have a safe journey home and look forward to getting together again at the next Warpstock to meet old friend and make new ones. John W. Edwards. President, Warpstock Corporation The McMichael Museum |
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