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Warpstock Corporation
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Sunday, October 06 2024 @ 06:42 AM

Warpstock Bid Process

Warpstock Bid Process

Step 1 – Opening of Bidding

The Board of Directors will announce that bidding is open for a particular event. This announcement will contain a date by which groups wishing to submit bids must signal their intent to make a bid to host a Warpstock Event.

Step 2 – Letter of Intent

Teams wishing to bid on hosting a Warpstock Event must declare their intention to do so by a date set by the Board. This may be accomplished by sending electronic mail to the Board of Directors.

This letter of intent should contain a list of the individuals involved, the city or area that the event would be held, and the suggested time of year for the event. The letter of intent may contain any additional information about the proposed bid that the team wishes to share. This letter does not need to be in great detail about the proposed event, but rather, a commitment from the group about entering into the bid process.

A reply will be sent upon receipt of the initial information. If a reply is not received within 48 hours of submission, please contact any Board member directly to determine the notification status.

Step 3 – Invitation to Submit a Bid

Once an initial "intention" has been made, the Board will invite the group to submit an official bid. The Board will remain in close contact with the Teams throughout the remainder of the bid process. A Board member may be assigned as liaison to each Team. It is expected one person on the bid team will become the liaison to the Board during this time.

The bid should contain the information outlined in the Bid Submission Outline.

Step 4 – Bid Review

As soon as all of the bids have been received, the Board will review all proposals and arrive at a decision as to the winning bid. The Board will base its decision upon the merits of the bids. The Board may also arrange a "virtual" meeting with the bid team to discuss specifics of the proposal. This meeting would be either by Internet Relay Chat or telephone conference call.

Step 5 – Decision Announcement

Once the Board has arrived at a decision, it will announce the winning Annual Event Team together with the location and date of the Warpstock Event.

Step 6 – Preparation

After the Board has announced its selection, the Event Team will enter into an agreement with the Board to put on the Event. While the Event Team has the primary responsibility to put on the event, the Board has the responsibility for oversight and for entering into such contracts as are required for the Event to take place.

Last Updated Sunday, May 13 2007 @ 02:29 AM; 14,494 Hits View Printable Version