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Warpstock 2016 Sessions

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Session Title


John Edwards Opening comments Welcome to Warpstock
Neil Waldhauer Introducing Attendees Attendees take turns explaining what they do with OS/2
Joe Suttle Presentations With Impact Learn the secrets to creating presentations that grab your audiences attention. This is not a “How to be a Speaker” session, but a demonstration of how to use slides and graphics in Impress or Powerpoint that help get your points across and what you say remembered. Drawing on accepted practices and actual experiences, you will leave better prepared to face your next audience. You’ll find ways to clear the cobwebs from data presentations, offer memorable content and discover ways to reinforce what you say.
Jeffrey Race Building the Universal Thinkpad: eCS, Windows, Linux and PCDOS This presentation shows how to achieve four different operating systems on one machine, each of which when run has direct access to the hardware without using virtualization.
David Azarewicz Arca Noae Device Drivers: Recent Progress and Future Plans In this session, we will review the recent progress of the OS/2 device drivers. We will cover some of the issues that were encountered and the solutions that were implemented. The future plans of some of the key drivers will also be discussed. There should also be time to address questions from the audience. There has been some exciting progress in the past several months so you do not want to miss this session.
Howard Winter Arca Noae News an Overview of the current state of ArcaOS and other Arca Noae software
Lewis Rosenthal NetDrive demonstration

This session will be an actual demonstration of the installation of the full NetDrive product, additional plugins (Samba, ISOFS), and the changes made to the system by install.

The demonstration of NetDrive in action will consist of creating various drive mappings, saving them, and restoring them, utilizing the NetDrive Control Panel as well as ArcaMapper, the new GUI tool in ArcaOS. If time allows, some command line usage will also be covered. Demonstration of moving files between mapped NetDrive volumes located on a NAS device or another workstation and the local filesystem will be included, as well as discussion of EA support and alternative authentication (Kerberos) for Samba 4.

There will be a discussion of the differences between NetDrive license tiers, what requires purchase of a license and what does not, as well as available plugins.

Alex Taylor Arca Noae Package Manager A look at the Arca Noae Package Manager (ANPM): what it does, how it works, and what's planned for the future. (via Skype)
Roderick Klein OS/2 VOICE What is VOICE doing in 2016? (via Skype)
Martin Iturbide Collaborative Knowledge and Tools on the OS/2 Community Martin Iturbide will discuss further the collaborative tools for the OS/2 community. He will also give an update on some collaborative projects like the OS2World Wiki, recollecting OS/2 related source code at Github and the EDM/2 Wiki.
Lewis Rosenthal Blue Lion demonstration

This session will feature a live install of Blue Lion, a/k/a ArcaOS 5.0, on a modern system. The demo will start with booting from installation media, making selections in the installer, and finishing setup. Included apps will be showcased, and there will be a Q&A session about the distribution, licensing, and maintenance & support options.

Roadmap discussion for ArcaOS 5.0 (Blue Lion) vs ArcaOS 5.1 (as yet unnamed)

Paul Smedley SAMBA 4 details to be announced (via Skype)
Andy Willis TBA TBA (via Skype)
Neil Waldhauer iOS tricks with OS/2 This presentation shows several ways to use OS/2 computers with smartphones and tablets to improve productivity and security.
John Edwards Closing comments and drawing Thanks for attending Warpstock

Last Updated Tuesday, October 25 2016 @ 10:39 AM; 13,608 Hits View Printable Version