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Warpstock Corporation
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Warpstock 2016 Location

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Warpstock 2016 will be held held at the Country Inn & Suites, Orlando Airport, located at 5440 Forbes Place, Orlando, Florida 32812. The room rate for this year's event is just $84 per night, single or double.

The dates for Warpstock 2016 are Friday, November 4 through Sunday, November 6, 2016.

This year's event is dedicated to our late friend, Dave Saville, for his long commitment to OS/2 and its users.

Note that hotel accommodations are not included in this year's registration fees, and you must make your reservations directly with the hotel by telephone: 1-800-456-4000 or 1-407-856-8896. Please mention Warpstock to get the conference rate.

Last Updated Wednesday, September 08 2021 @ 08:39 PM; 4,868 Hits View Printable Version