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 WarpStock Planning for Dummies Guide?
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 October 26 2008 23:23 PM (Read 6172 times)  
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How about a 'Warpstock Planning for Dummies' guide? It could be a guide assuming that the person or persons has never done this before and it would list questions one would ask, lists of things that are needed and tips on how to submit and/or create a request with examples. ? Question Idea Cool

TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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Blonde Guy
 November 16 2008 09:57 AM  
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See the "Warpstock Cookbook" for an all-too-brief description of how to put on Warpstock.

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 November 17 2008 20:48 PM  
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I will check it out. Thanks. Cool

TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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 December 03 2008 21:04 PM  
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Still it would be nice to have a 'Warpstock for Dummies' type book or booklet. Mr. Green

TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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