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 Santa Cruz, California
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Blonde Guy
 October 15 2006 10:58 AM (Read 12864 times)  
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I'm thinking of bidding Santa Cruz, California for at least a regional meeting. Off-season rates are good, and it's a tourist town with great attractions.

Please reply to this post if you think Santa Cruz would be a good location for a West Coast Regional meeting.

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 October 15 2006 18:38 PM  
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I'm thinking of bidding Santa Cruz, California for at least a regional meeting. Off-season rates are good, and it's a tourist town with great attractions.

I think it is about time we had a West coast event. Looking at the map I see you are near SF. Would that be a reasonable drive from say LA?


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 October 18 2006 12:54 PM  
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How close is it to Sacramento? It is easier to fly into and out of Sacramento. I have two sisters in California. It was easier for them to pick me up at Sacrmento than San Fransisco. Question


TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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 October 18 2006 15:04 PM  
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Santa Cruz is about 150 miles from Sacramento. The best airport for Santa Cruz would be San Jose (a half hour or so). I flew into San Jose a couple weeks ago. It's a nice airport, and the flight cost was reasonable. Another choice would be San Francisco or even Monterey (though the later is not an international hub).

I think this would be a great location, though I am saying that off the top of my head, with no knowledge of the hotel costs (though my stay in Milpitas was reasonable and the hotel was quite nice).

Count me as a thumbs-up!

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS, EA Treasurer, Warpstock Corporation
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 October 24 2006 14:01 PM  
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Thank you for the information. I wonder what the cost to fly from the East Coast to the West Coast would be. I will check out the area too. Cool

TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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 November 01 2006 11:02 AM  
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I think it's about time for the west coast again, and this time I'd do my best to make the trip. What are Santa Cruz hotel costs like?


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 November 03 2006 13:45 PM  
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Prices on hotels in Santa Cruz.


TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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Blonde Guy
 November 04 2006 23:36 PM  
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Thanks, BigWarpGuy, for posting the hotel link. 45 hotels in a town of 55,000 sounds like a lot, but they missed a few.

First, and by far the cheapest, the Santa Cruz Youth Hostel.

Second, where is the Compassion Flower Inn?

I'm impressed that so many of our famous "dive" hotels made the list.

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 November 17 2006 13:31 PM  
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" The Compassion Flower Inn
216 Laurel Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 466-0420
fax (831) 466-0431
or check availability and book online "
# Downtown Santa Cruz
# 5 minute walk to the beach "


TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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 February 22 2007 13:42 PM  
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Quote by madodel:
I'm thinking of bidding Santa Cruz, California for at least a regional meeting. Off-season rates are good, and it's a tourist town with great attractions.

I think it is about time we had a West coast event. Looking at the map I see you are near SF. Would that be a reasonable drive from say LA?


Is there anybody putting in a bid for the west coast? Question


TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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