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Category: Warpstock Presentations A. 2022 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Warpsotck 2022 OpenOffice presentation template    Popular
A simple OpenOffice Presentation template for Warpstock 2022 slides
  Ver:    Date: Oct.27.22   Rating: 0.00   251     256.69 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations A. 2022 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Hobbes/Files Reorganization project    Popular
Hobbes/Files Reorganization project
Martín Itúrbide

This talk will be about Martin's experience reorganizing the Hobbes OS/2 files repository. He will talk about the rules he had to define, the undefine rules, community feedback and motivation to try to organize all those files.
  Ver:    Date: Nov.08.22   Rating: 0.00   257     2.80 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations A. 2022 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Porting QT5 Applications to OS2    Popular
Porting QT5 Applications to OS2
Gregg Young
Setup and tips for compiling QT5 applications on OS2
  Ver:    Date: Nov.08.22   Rating: 0.00   265     226.04 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations A. 2022 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Joint session with OS/2 user group meeting in Cologne    Popular
Joint session with OS/2 user group meeting in Cologne
Sigurd Fastenrath
Neil Waldhauer
Thomas Mueller
  Ver:    Date: Nov.08.22   Rating: 0.00   282     236.27 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations A. 2022 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Opening comments    Popular
Opening comments
Neil Waldhauer

Welcome to Warpstock
  Ver:    Date: Nov.08.22   Rating: 0.00   282     1.61 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations A. 2022 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Upgrading to ArcaOS 5.1    Popular
Upgrading to ArcaOS 5.1
Lewis Rosenthal

In this session, Lewis Rosenthal, Managing Member of Arca Noae, LLC, will discuss various upgrade scenarios from ArcaOS 5.0 to 5.1, from licensing to subscription channel changes to software installation.

What's supported? What's not? What happens to remaining 5.0 support when a license is upgraded to 5.1? Is there a discount for having a current support subscription? What if support expired two years ago? How to change language? Installation environment? These questions and more will be answered in this not-to-be-missed presentation.
  Ver:    Date: Nov.08.22   Rating: 0.00   284     86.58 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations A. 2022 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  A Modern Home LAN    Popular
A Modern Home LAN
Alex Taylor

no specific presenter, volunteers will take turns describing their unique LAN setups.

I bet a lot of other OS/2 users also have nifty home LAN setups. -- Alex Taylor
  Ver:    Date: Nov.08.22   Rating: 0.00   285     416.47 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations A. 2022 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  ArcaOS Roadmap 2022-2023    Popular
ArcaOS Roadmap 2022-2023

In this session, Lewis Rosenthal, Managing Member of Arca Noae, LLC, will discuss the extended maintenance cycle for the 5.0 release and the current status of 5.1 development, including major new features such as UEFI and GPT support.
  Ver:    Date: Nov.08.22   Rating: 0.00   294     103.82 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations A. 2022 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Audio in DOS and WIN/OS2 sessions    Popular
Audio in DOS and WIN/OS2 sessions
Roderick Klein

The DTA project was started orginally as a small project by IBM to provide audio support in WIN/OS2 sessions. It later got developed further by a British developer named John Gow. I was involved with the beta testing. In this presentation I will explain how the the DTA works and how Soundblaster support in VDM session could be added.
  Ver:    Date: Nov.08.22   Rating: 0.00   297     927.12 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations A. 2022 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  ArcaOS & UEFI & secure boot    Popular
ArcaOS & UEFI & secure boot
Roderick Klein

Demonstration and Explanation of Secure Boot on ArcaOS which is a project of OS/2 VOICE. A general discussion of UEFI is included.
  Ver:    Date: Nov.08.22   Rating: 0.00   311     14.23 MB  
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