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File Listing: There are 297 files in our database

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Category: Warpstock Presentations L. 2011 Submitted by: mckinnis
  Virtualization - Chuck McKinnis    Popular
A brief overview of the current status of eCS virtual machines under Windows and Linux
  Ver:    Date: Oct.18.11   Rating: 0.00   1404     52.81 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations L. 2011 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  Warpstock 2011 - Impress Template     Popular
This is a very basic Impress (3.2) template, based on a blue and red gradient background. It includes the official event logo in the lower right corner of each slide (not the handouts), as well as the event dates and event location in the footer. Feel free to use this or not, or modify to suit. Enjoy!
  Ver:    Date: Oct.02.11   Rating: 0.00   1242     197.65 KB  
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Category: Events 2011 Submitted by: LewisR
  Warpstock 2011 Mail-in Registration Form    Popular
This is the mail-in registration form for Warpstock 2011 in Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina in pdf format. Please download this file and complete the form and mail it in to Warpstock Corporation. Warpstock may only accept on-site registrations for commuters and daily attendees for the 2011 event. Early registration discounts apply, so act NOW to SAVE!
  Ver:  1.1  Date: Jun.24.11   Rating: 0.00   2419     5.69 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations M. 2010 Submitted by: LewisR
  Selecting the Right UPS    Popular
Learn the difference between output wattage and volt-amps when selecting the proper size UPS for your computer and electronic equipment, and save costly repairs and/or replacements when disaster strikes. This is an operating system-neutral presentation.
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Sep.06.10   Rating: 0.00   1818     537.13 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations M. 2010 Submitted by: LewisR
  SAMBA    Popular
This presentation will focus on the current SAMBA implementations available under OS/2 and eCS, namely, Paul Smedley's port of the server, the NetDrive plugin, and the new EVFS in eCS 2.0.
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Sep.06.10   Rating: 0.00   1654     535.26 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations M. 2010 Submitted by: LewisR
  General Networking    Popular
An overview of available technologies & drivers, this session will discuss the current state of GenMAC, the XWLAN widget, native ethernet drivers, and the forthcoming driver for newer Intel wired adapters.
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Sep.06.10   Rating: 0.00   1588     537.59 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations M. 2010 Submitted by: JWE
  Editing and Manipulation Videos    Popular
The Editing and Manipulating Videos presentation from Warpstock 2010.
  Ver:    Date: Aug.08.10   Rating: 0.00   1535     60.76 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations M. 2010 Submitted by: Blonde Guy
  K8055 with eCS, USB accessed from Python / Pyrex    Popular
Poster for Warpstock 2010 submitted by Uwe Hinz.

more ...

  Ver:    Date: Aug.05.10   Rating: 0.00   2492     621.86 KB  
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Category: Events 2010 Submitted by: JWE
  Warpstock 2010 Menus    Popular
This is a summary of the menus that have been arranged for Warpstock 2010 at the University of Waterloo.
  Ver:    Date: Jul.28.10   Rating: 0.00   1464     606.90 KB  
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Category: Events 2010 Submitted by: JWE
  University of Waterloo Campus Map    Popular
This is a jpg version of the section of the campus map for those attending Warpstock 2010. The Conference Centre is in the Ron Eydt Village (marked REV on the map). The marked position 1 is the location of the main entrance and the registration desk. The marked position 2 is the entrance closest to the rooms. The marked position 3 is the parking lot V that we will be using.
  Ver:    Date: Jul.22.10   Rating: 0.00   1448     56.99 KB  
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