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Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:19 AM

File Listing - Category View

Main : Utilities : 
Category: Utilities Submitted by: LewisR
  Lotus Mobile Screen Show Player (1998/Jun/24)    Popular
Lotus Mobile Screen Show Player (1998/Jun/24) Lets you run presentations on your computer even if Freelance Graphics is not installed. It also enables you to share presentations (.PRZ files) with others who don't have Freelance Graphics installed. Free for distribution. A self-extracting copy of this file (LTPLAYER.EXE) is also available on Lotus Smart Suite for OS/2 Warp CD in the EXTRA sub- directory.

This file replaces the previous zip ( which was incomplete, causing the player to fail due to missing dlls.
  Ver:    Date: Aug.11.13   Rating: 0.00   1340     2.12 MB  
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