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Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:29 AM

File Listing: There are 297 files in our database

  Events 69 
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  Warpstock Presentations 216 
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Category: Warpstock Presentations R. 2005 Submitted by: JWE
  The Future of eComStation     Popular
This is a zipped file of the OpenOffice preseentation of D. J. van Enckevort
  Ver:    Date: Jul.05.07   Rating: 0.00   1765     9.87 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations Q. 2006 Submitted by: JWE
  Virtualization    Popular
This zip file contains the PowerPoint presentation by John Gilbert and Kevin O'Connor on Virtualization at Warpstock 2006.
  Ver:    Date: Jan.21.07   Rating: 0.00   1756     2.20 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations U. 2002 Submitted by: LewisR
  SciTech SNAP Graphics for OS/2    Popular
Adobe Acrobat file. Presenter: Kendall Bennett
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Jan.11.07   Rating: 1.00(1)   2176     1.81 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations Q. 2006 Submitted by: JWE
  Faster WiFi Speeds    Popular
This is the Freelance Graphics slide show from the presentation on using Wireless devices to provide G-class WiFi communications. Sub-titled Bridging the Gap.
  Ver:    Date: Jan.11.07   Rating: 0.00   1768     3.08 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations Q. 2006 Submitted by: JWE
  Intro to Maul Publisher    Popular
This is the a Freelance Graphics for the Introduction to Maul Publisher made at Warpstock 2006.
  Ver:    Date: Jan.11.07   Rating: 0.00   1742     3.63 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations U. 2002 Submitted by: LewisR
  Golden Code Trace Suite    Popular
Adobe Acrobat file. Presenter: Gregory Shah
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Dec.26.06   Rating: 0.00   1906     406.90 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations U. 2002 Submitted by: LewisR
  Starfire Titan: Encapsulating, Sharing, and Delivering IT Skills to the Masses    Popular
Adobe Acrobat file. Presenters: Richard R. Spurlock & William F. Kershner
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Dec.26.06   Rating: 10.00(1)   1720     1.41 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations U. 2002 Submitted by: LewisR
  Emulation under OS/2    Popular
Adobe Acrobat file. Presenter: Darrell Spice, Jr.
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Dec.26.06   Rating: 0.00   1668     133.26 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations U. 2002 Submitted by: LewisR
  DFSee, an introduction: Usage examples and Q&A    Popular
Adobe Acrobat file. Presenter: Jan van Wijk
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Dec.26.06   Rating: 0.00   1669     235.70 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations U. 2002 Submitted by: LewisR
  DFSee, an introduction: PC Disks & filesystem info    Popular
Lotus Freelance .PRZ format. Presenter: Jan van Wijk
  Ver:  1.0  Date: Dec.26.06   Rating: 0.00   2084     369.46 KB  
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