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Warpstock Corporation
Welcome to Warpstock Corporation
Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 11:19 AM
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» 1.- General Search
General questions and answers about Warpstock and the annual event.
01. Who runs Warpstock? 01. Who runs Warpstock?
02. Where will the next Warpstock event take place? 02. Where will the next Warpstock event take place?
03. Is Warpstock a corporate (IBM, Serenity Systems, Mensys) event? 03. Is Warpstock a corporate (IBM, Serenity Systems, Mensys) event?
04. Is Warpstock a family event? 04. Is Warpstock a family event?
05. What should I wear to Warpstock? 05. What should I wear to Warpstock?
06. What should I do if I have special needs? 06. What should I do if I have special needs?
07. Is it okay to bring a camera? A tape or digital recorder? 07. Is it okay to bring a camera? A tape or digital recorder?
08. Is Warpstock only for users of OS/2 Warp, ArcaOS and/or eComStation? 08. Is Warpstock only for users of OS/2 Warp, ArcaOS and/or eComStation?
09. Is Warpstock for business users of OS/2 Warp, ArcaOS and/or eComStation 09. Is Warpstock for business users of OS/2 Warp, ArcaOS and/or eComStation
10. Is Warpstock Corporatiion a 501(c)(3) organization? 10. Is Warpstock Corporatiion a 501(c)(3) organization?
11. Is there other ways to support Warpstock? 11. Is there other ways to support Warpstock?

FAQ Manager » 1.- General