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 Warpstock 2016: Call for Presentations
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Blonde Guy
 March 20 2016 17:54 PM (Read 8094 times)  
Forum Admin

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Registered: 04/24/06
Posts: 33

Warpstock 2016 will be held from Friday, November 4 – Sunday, November 6 at Country Inn and Suites in Orlando, Florida.

The Warpstock speaker committee invites you make a presentation at this year's conference. Presentations are currently scheduled at 45 minutes in length, but this is negotiable. Presenters may use Skype to make presentations. If you cannot be with us in person, please consider making a virtual presentation.

Warpstock intends to be a powerful information provider to OS/2 and eComStation users. Please help us by giving a Warpstock presentation.

Expert Consulting for OS/2 and eComStation
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