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 May 09 2007 14:24 PM (Read 6758 times)  
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Registered: 07/01/06
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It would be nice for at least one member of the Warpstock board to check this forum on a (at least) weekly basis if not every other day. Idea Cool Mr. Green

TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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 August 20 2008 20:40 PM  
Forum Admin

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True, we all have our busy lives, and the traffic here gets slow at times.

These past couple of weeks, gearing up for Santa Cruz, I've almost felt like Warpstock was my fulltime job (except I don't get paid)...

As Chair of the website committee, I've been trying to at least scan new messages every few days. If you see me slacking off, though, Tom, you have my permission to kick me in the head.

Big Grin

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS, EA Treasurer, Warpstock Corporation
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Blonde Guy
 August 29 2008 10:34 AM  
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Maybe we should take turns checking it?

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 August 29 2008 11:05 AM  
Forum Admin

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That's a thought. I think what might be more helpful would be an option to automatically subscribe members of the forum admin group to every thread, so that when a reply - or a new topic - was posted, we could get notifications.

I'll check into this with Blaine...

Meanwhile, if we all just give it the old college try, we might be able to catch threads on a timely basis. Smile

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS, EA Treasurer, Warpstock Corporation
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 September 29 2008 19:24 PM  
Forum Full Member
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Registered: 07/01/06
Posts: 265

That sounds like a good idea. Cool

TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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