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Main : Warpstock Presentations : R. 2005 : 
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Category: Warpstock Presentations R. 2005 Submitted by: LewisR
  Wireless Networking with OS/2    Popular
Lotus Freelance .PRZ file, containing 15 slides. This presentation is unfinished, but did form the basis of my discussion in 2005. There is some interesting info concerning multiple default routes. Presenter: Lewis Rosenthal
  Ver:  0.9  Date: Dec.26.06   Rating: 0.00   1607     186.90 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations R. 2005 Submitted by: JWE
  The Future of eComStation     Popular
This is a zipped file of the OpenOffice preseentation of D. J. van Enckevort
  Ver:    Date: Jul.05.07   Rating: 0.00   1775     9.87 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations R. 2005 Submitted by: JWE
  eComStation 1.2 Class    Popular
This is a zipped file of the OpenOffice Impress presentation by David van Enckevort, Alex Taylor and Chuck McKinnis.
  Ver:    Date: Jul.05.07   Rating: 0.00   1631     22.55 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations R. 2005 Submitted by: JWE
  Samba    Popular
This is a zipped file of the OpenOffice Impress presentation on Samba by D. J. van Enckevort.
  Ver:    Date: Jul.05.07   Rating: 0.00   1638     10.71 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations R. 2005 Submitted by: JWE
  CD and DVD Burning    Popular
This is a zipped file of the OpenOffice Impress presentation on CD and DVD Buring by Juliam Thomas
  Ver:    Date: Jul.05.07   Rating: 0.00   1680     178.85 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations R. 2005 Submitted by: JWE
  UpdCD - Past, Presnet and Future    Popular
This is the zipped file containing the OpenOffice Impress, pdf and html versions of Zsolt Kadar's presentation of his UpdCD software.
  Ver:    Date: Jul.05.07   Rating: 0.00   1596     1.15 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations R. 2005 Submitted by: JWE
  eComStation Maintenance    Popular
This zip file contains the Freelance Graphics version of Chuck McKinnis' presentation of eComStation Maintenance.
  Ver:    Date: Jul.05.07   Rating: 0.00   1654     35.88 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations R. 2005 Submitted by: JWE
  ThinkPad Installations and Networking    Popular
This zip file contains the OpenOffice Impress of Chris Clayton's presentation.
  Ver:    Date: Jul.05.07   Rating: 0.00   1622     655.83 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations R. 2005 Submitted by: JWE
  Getting Faster Wireless Network Speed    Popular
This zip file contains 2 Freelance Graphic files from John W. Edwards presentation.
  Ver:    Date: Feb.22.09   Rating: 0.00   1764     4.36 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations R. 2005 Submitted by: JWE
  Connecting OS/2 to Palm    Popular
This zip file contains the pdf version of Robert Henschel's presentation on linking the Palm to OS/2.
  Ver:    Date: Jul.05.07   Rating: 0.00   1595     93.66 KB  
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