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Warpstock 2020 Connecting

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Connecting to Warpstock

Warpstock 2020 sessions will be presented in two time blocks, one for Europe and North America, and another for North America (late evening) and the Pacific. Live presentations are planned for both blocks, and when a re-play of an earlier live event is being broadcast, presenters will be available to answer questions in real time.

Visit the WarpEvents channel on YouTube prior to the event session you would like to attend.

Questions and commentary may be posted either in YouTube's chat or via IRC, on the freenode network. You may connect to freenode using either a standard IRC client at on ports 6665-6667 or 8000-8002 for plain-text connections, or ports 6697, 7000, or 7070 for SSL-encrypted connections. Alternatively, you may use freenode's web interface. Either way, the channel for discussion is #warpstock.

More information concerning freenode is available in their knowledgebase.

Last Updated Saturday, November 07 2020 @ 09:24 AM; 2,270 Hits View Printable Version