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Warpstock 2018 Travel

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Air Travel

Calgary International Airport (YYC)

Ground Transportation from Airport

Airport shuttle service is provided by the hotel at no cost to attendees

For arrivals and departures, the shuttle runs from 4:00 a.m. until midnight, daily. For domestic arrivals, shuttle pick-up is located outside on the arrival level at Bus Bays #16 and #17. For international arrivals, shuttle pick-up is located outside on the arrival level at Bus Bay #37. Once you have collected your luggage, you can request pick-up by calling the hotel (403-250-1800) from one of the courtesy phones located at the information booths in the terminal. For return service to Calgary International Airport from the hotel, please see the front desk for booking information.

Please Note: Each guest is entitled to one complimentary transfer to and from Calgary International Airport. Additional transfers incur an extra fee.


The hotel website is the best source for driving directions.

Last Updated Tuesday, August 21 2018 @ 07:47 PM; 3,906 Hits View Printable Version