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Warpstock 2018 Sessions

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Session Title


John Edwards Opening comments Welcome to Warpstock
Neil Waldhauer Introducing Attendees Attendees take turns explaining what they do with OS/2
Neil Waldhauer ArcaOS pre-loaded Computers I describe my recent installations of ArcaOS on five Lenovo computers.
Joe Suttle Public Speaking - You CAN do it! Joe is an excellent presenter; you will not want to miss this session.
Martín Itúrbide Experiments with OS/2 Martín will present some of experiments he made with OS/2 by trying to crop components and understand more about its architecture.
Martín Itúrbide Github Short session.
The OS2World Github project keeps going on by trying to consolidate as much as possible OS/2 related source code. On this short presentation, we will discuss the progress of it on the last year.
Martín Itúrbide EDM/2 Short session.
Martín will show the latest updates to the EDM/2 wiki and how it keeps growing.
Martín Itúrbide OS2World wiki Short session.
OS2World provides a space to the OS/2, eCS and ArcaOS user community. Martín will update the audience on the latest updated to the community site.
David Azarewicz Arca Noae Device Drivers: Recent Progress and Future Plans In this session, we will review the recent progress of the OS/2 device drivers. We will cover some of the issues that were encountered and the solutions that were implemented. The future plans of some of the key drivers will also be discussed. There should also be time to address questions from the audience. There has been some exciting progress in the past several months so you do not want to miss this session.
Lewis Rosenthal Creating an ArcaOS Bootable USB Stick from ANY Major OS (with live demo) How to create an ArcaOS installation stick without an OS/2, eCS, or ArcaOS system already up and running. Following onto the well-received session at Warpstock Europe this year, this edition will feature a live demonstration so that the audience may get a feel for walking through the process and just how quick it really is from start to finish.
Lewis Rosenthal ArcaOS update

In this session, Lewis Rosenthal, Managing Member of Arca Noae, LLC, will provide an update on the status of the 5.0 release cycle and expectations for 5.1.

Lewis Rosenthal Forking an Open Source Project: Why, When, and How

This session will discuss the reasoning behind splitting a project and taking the code in a different direction from the main development team. Sometimes, the issues are technological in nature, at other times, philosophical or even political. In no event, however, should the decision to fork be taken lightly or without great care. Afterward, providing clarity on the differences between the fork and the original project, without promoting disharmony, presents challenges of its own.

Lewis Rosenthal DOS and WinOS/2 on modern systems with ArcaOS

What works, what doesn't, what Arca Noae is trying to do about it, and how long that might take. Issues concern a broad range of brief topic points including long filenames, FAT32, extended attributes, memory management, video, and audio functionality.

Gregg Young ArcaOS Tips, Tricks and Workarounds The presentation will review known issues with ArcaOS and the software shipped with it. It will cover workarounds and tips for addressing these. It will also cover config.sys tuning and tips for improving performance. LSwitcher and Gotcha! will also be covered.
Dmitriy Kuminov News from bww bitwise works
John Edwards Closing comments Warpstock 2018 wrap-up

Last Updated Friday, August 17 2018 @ 08:49 PM; 6,960 Hits View Printable Version