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Warpstock Corporation
Welcome to Warpstock Corporation
Thursday, February 13 2025 @ 04:33 AM
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Warpstock 2022 - Orlando, Florida, USA

ArchiveThe annual conference for ArcaOS, OS/2, and eComStation users, administrators, and developers, is now open for registration!

Warpstock 2022 will once again be held at the Country Inn & Suites, Orlando Airport, located at 5440 Forbes Place, Orlando, Florida 32812.

This year's event will begin Friday, November 4 and continue through Sunday, November 6. Find out more here!

Register in the next few days (before August 1) and receive a $30 Early Bird discount on a full conference registration or $20 on a daily conference registration! Spouses/family members/guests/office mates attending sessions also receive great discounts, and non-attending guests are FREE. Students with valid student ID are always welcome to attend sessions at no charge, with full benefits!

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Please participate in our Warpstock 2022 polling questions

We've posted two new polls to the right, specific to Warpstock 2022. Please post your answers before March 1.

Planning a live Warpstock event takes a good deal of effort. We've always been willing to invest the time and energy, but it's important that we get a sense of whether this is what our audience wants as opposed to another virtual event. Your opinion matters. Please share your thoughts with us so we can make this year's event another great experience for everyone. Remember also that if we do have a live event, it will still be streamed, so this isn't an either/or proposition.

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Thanks for participating in Warpstock 2021


Warpstock is the only gathering of its kind in North America; thank you for making it possible, even in these extraordinary times. For those of you who connected with us for this first ever all-virtual event, we hope you enjoyed the experience, and will consider joining us live at a future event or connecting again for another virtual one.

To watch the presentations again, please visit the following link.

Warpstock 2021 videos

Warpstock is your conference. We'd like to make it better. If you have comments or suggestions, please send them to us at president AT warpstock DOT org.

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Warpstock 2021 September 18

ArchiveThe Warpstock Board of Directors is pleased to announce Warpstock 2021. The annual conference for ArcaOS, OS/2, and eComStation users, administrators, and developers, will be held on-line.

Registration will not be required for this virtual conference. Attendance will be via YouTube stream, and questions may be posed via YouTube Chat as well as IRC. YouTube and IRC access details to be posted at a later date.

This year's event will be held on Saturday, September 18. Watch this site for the event pages to go live in the coming days, including the schedule and list of this year's presenters.
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Thanks for participating in Warpstock 2020

ArchiveWarpstock is the only gathering of its kind in North America; thank you for making it possible, even in these extraordinary times. For those of you who connected with us for this first ever all-virtual event, we hope you enjoyed the experience, and will consider joining us live at a future event or connecting again for another virtual one.

Warpstock is your conference. We'd like to make it better. If you have comments or suggestions, please send them to us at president AT warpstock DOT org.
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Warpstock 2020 Call for Presenters

ArchiveThe Warpstock speaker committee invites you make a presentation at this year's conference. Presentations can be live from your location or you can supply a prepared video to be screened and then take questions from the audience.

If you are willing to prepare a presentation for Warpstock 2020, please let us know as soon as possible so we may reserve time for you. Your presentation will help us make Warpstock 2020 a success.

We need a presentation title and a short description to put on the website. If you are a first time presenter, we will also want a one-paragraph bio. Or, if you are a repeat presenter and have done something new and different since your last time presenting, please provide an update.

Your live input can come to us via most of the popular streaming services (Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, etc.). Please let us know in advance so that we may be prepared to receive your broadcast.

Your pre-recorded sessions may be in any the following formats: .mp4, .ts, .mov, .flv, .mkv, .avi, .gif, .webm.

Slides are not required, but if you use them, session slides should be made available one week in advance of the event in PDF or OpenOffice Impress format.

Be prepared for a brief (15-20 minute) technical run-through 7-10 days before the event, at an agreed upon time and date. (You do not need to have your slides prepared for the run-through.)

Individuals considering making a presentation should submit a letter of their intent by e-mail to: presenters [AT] warpstock [DOT] org.
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Come join us for Warpstock 2020 - from home!

ArchiveThis year's event will be held on Saturday, November 7. The conference will be broken into an early block (for eastern North America and Europe) and a late block (for western North America and Australia/Asia).

Come join us for the first virtual Warpstock event, coming live to your screen. No travel hassles, no hotel, come and go as you please - and all for free!

Visit the Warpstock 2020 event pages here.

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Warpstock 2020 - The First All-Virtual Warpstock Event!

ArchiveThe Warpstock Board of Directors is pleased to announce Warpstock 2020. The annual conference for ArcaOS, OS/2, and eComStation users, administrators, and developers, will be held on-line.

Registration will not be required for this virtual conference. Attendance will be via YouTube stream, and questions may be posed via YouTube Chat as well as IRC. YouTube and IRC access details to be posted at a later date.

This year's event will be held on Saturday, November 7. The conference will be broken into an early block (for eastern North America and Europe) and a late block (for western North America and Australia/Asia).

Watch this site for the event pages to go live in the coming days.
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Thanks for attending Warpstock 2019

ArchiveWarpstock 2019 ended Sunday, November 10. Warpstock is the only gathering of its kind in North America; thank you for making it possible. For those of you who streamed all or part of the meeting, we hope you enjoyed a taste of the Warpstock experience, and will consider joining us live at a future event.

Warpstock is your conference. We'd like to make it better. If you have comments or suggestions, please send them to us at president AT warpstock DOT org.
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Warpstock 2019 Live Video Stream

ArchiveNot able to attend this year's Warpstock in person?

While it's not quite the same as the live Warpstock experience, you may still watch and even participate in the event.

If you enjoy streaming the conference, please consider donating (see PayPal Donate button on the left side of the homepage) to help defray the cost of presenting Warpstock.

First, visit the presentation schedule to find out when your sessions of particular interest will be presented (remember, Orlando, Florida is on Eastern Standard Time, GMT -0500). Next, follow the directions, below:

We will be using YouTube Live as our streaming server again this year. Go to the WarpEvents page there. (For veteran streamers, open your YouTube app on your smart TV or streaming device and just search for "WarpEvents" to find it.)

Once there, locate the Warpstock 2019 Live Stream.

To ask questions live during sessions, use IRC. The URL for the #netlabs channel is irc://freenode/netlabs, or, if you prefer to access IRC via a web browser, you may do so here.