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Warpstock Corporation
Welcome to Warpstock Corporation
Thursday, October 10 2024 @ 02:23 AM
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Select Warpstock Windsor registrations available on eBay!

ArchiveFor a limited time, Warpstock Corporation offers a select number of 4-day registrations for this year's event. A 4-day, full conference registration gets you:

  • Full admission to all sessions and classes
  • Full admission to vendors and exhibits
  • Saturday evening banquet with scheduled guest speaker John C. Dvorak (PC Magazine, Silicon Spin, etc.)
  • Sunday luncheon with scheduled guest speaker Dr. Jeffrey Race
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Training - Building a Carrier Class License-Free Wide Area Wireless Network

ArchiveYou are invited to attend the Wireless Certified Training jointly presented by smartBridges, Moonblink and Sputnik. Jack Unger, President of Ask-Wi.Com Inc. will be conducting the training for the first day on designing Point-to-Point & Point-to-Multipoint Wireless Infrastructure.
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Charges to Credit Cards

ArchiveSome persons have questioned 'when' their credit cards will be charged.
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About Refunds of Canadian GST for Visitors

ArchiveSeveral people have inquired about Canada's GST refund policy for visitors. Aside from information contained in the event pages of the Warpstock site, here is some (hopefully) helpful stuff, straight from the Canada Revenue Agency.
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34 Answers to: What can I do before/after Warpstock 2006?

ArchiveSome people may wonder what they can do to extend or enhance their Warpstock 2006 Event. Here are some suggestions:
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Warpstock 2006 Online Registration Page

ArchiveFor those folks who just want to get to the registration page, you may do so by CLICKING HERE TO REGISTER . This will take you directly to the Warpstock 2006 page at Allison's Travel. From there, simply follow the links.
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Presentations Posted to Calendar

ArchiveThis year presentation descriptions are a Room and Time and posted as soon as they are received. Click on the 'Calendar' (Second Word from Left in top row of this page) and then when it loads to the default (this month) select October as desired month. To see sessions for a particular day, click on that day's date number. If you click on the 'Calendar' it will default to the current month so use the 'Back' key on your browser. Click here to access the session calendar.
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Warpstock mentioned on ComputerWorld Blog

ArchiveWarpstock, OS/2, and eComStation get blogged over at Doug Schweitzer's Blog.
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More surplus Warpstock shirts available on eBay

ArchiveThere are a couple more shirts available on eBay:

Get 'em while we've still got some left!

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Warpstock 2006 Online Supporter Campaign

ArchiveWant to show your support for Warpstock 2006 on your own site? We've got logo links for you, and we'll even return the favor.