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 ..if one can purchase the lextures on a DVD?
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 July 08 2006 16:10 PM (Read 5415 times)  
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or be able to pay to download the lectures from the WarpStock site? or get a discount on them if one attends WarpStock? Question

TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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 July 19 2006 17:29 PM  
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Recording presentations can be a daunting task (there is a discussion going on currently with the Long Island Linux Users Group on this very topic). However, as the technology becomes more attainable, we may explore this avenue.

Thanks for the idea!

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS, EA Treasurer, Warpstock Corporation
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 July 20 2006 16:11 PM  
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Is there a way to create a VCD (video compact disc) using eCS? VCDGear?
One could sell lectures on a VCD ?


TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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 July 21 2006 09:37 AM  
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Steven Levine has done a port of MainActor to OS/2, which should be able to do this. It's available on Hobbes.

VCD's aren't very popular Stateside, but they are rather common (or so I'm told) in Europe. Of course, DVD would also work well; again, the problem is more of getting the presentations recorded in the first place, than the final format.

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS, EA Treasurer, Warpstock Corporation
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 August 01 2006 19:15 PM  
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With DVD drives coming down in price, DVD would probably make more sense than VCD. I have a litle digital camera. I bought a Mustek camera that uses (as does my current video camera) that uses either MMC or SDCard to store the video. One can use an USB card reader to download the videos to an eCS comptuer. I have two Iogear USB card readers. I used my eCS 1.1 Thinkpad T23 to download the videos. Smile Cool

TomLeeM aka BigWarpGuy aka BigGoofyGuy TomLeeM Art Stuff (my art on stuff).
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