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Category: Warpstock Presentations Q. 2006 Submitted by: mckinnis
  eComStation Maintenance Tool    Popular
This a Freelance presentation. You can download the Freelance mobile screen presentation viewer from the utilities category.

From the beginning, OS/2 installation and maintenance was rather easy as long as you had attended the IBM OS/2 Installation and Maintenance class and had at least 5 years of experience with the product. Serenity Systems has made tremendous strides in easing the installation, and maintenance is either a piece of cake or living hell. You are invited to an overview of the eComStation Maintenance Tool and an update on its use. We will also be discussing maintenance issues in general as well as answering any questions you might have concerning the maintenance of OS/2 systems. Thoughtful argueing is permitted and encouraged.
  Ver:    Date: Dec.02.06   Rating: 0.00   1730     169.80 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations Q. 2006 Submitted by: JWE
  Faster WiFi Speeds    Popular
This is the Freelance Graphics slide show from the presentation on using Wireless devices to provide G-class WiFi communications. Sub-titled Bridging the Gap.
  Ver:    Date: Jan.11.07   Rating: 0.00   1780     3.08 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations Q. 2006 Submitted by: JWE
  Intro to Maul Publisher    Popular
This is the a Freelance Graphics for the Introduction to Maul Publisher made at Warpstock 2006.
  Ver:    Date: Jan.11.07   Rating: 0.00   1757     3.63 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations Q. 2006 Submitted by: JWE
  Virtualization    Popular
This zip file contains the PowerPoint presentation by John Gilbert and Kevin O'Connor on Virtualization at Warpstock 2006.
  Ver:    Date: Jan.21.07   Rating: 0.00   1768     2.20 MB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations Q. 2006 Submitted by: jt
  Warpstock 2006 Presentation - Burning    Popular
PDF file of my presentation on CD and DVD burning.

Note that this is almost the same as my WS2005 presentation.
  Ver:  1  Date: Oct.25.06   Rating: 0.00   2175     768.63 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations Q. 2006 Submitted by: LewisR
  Warpstock Corp: What's on the Horizon    Popular
Zipped s5 presentation (pure HTML with css, suitable for viewing with any browser. When extracted, this will create a directory named "s5." To view, open the Warpstock_2006.html file form within that directory; navigation controls will become visible when moving the mouse toward the lower right portion of the browser window.
  Ver:  1.2  Date: Nov.11.06   Rating: 0.00   1695     54.84 KB  
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Category: Warpstock Presentations Q. 2006 Submitted by: jt
  WS2006 Presentation - Backing up    Popular
PDF file of my warpstock 2006 presentation on backing up.
  Ver:  1  Date: Oct.25.06   Rating: 0.00   1828     108.87 KB  
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