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Main : Warpstock Presentations : O. 2008 : 
Category: Warpstock Presentations O. 2008 Submitted by: mckinnis
  FXREF - A program to produce cross reference listings of FORTRAN 77 programs    Popular
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Presenter: Roy Hardy
FXREF accepts FORTRAN 77 source code as input and creates up to ten tables providing cross referencing information for variable names, statement numbers, integer constants, floating point and real constants, input-output units used (both numerical and variable), character constants (literals), COMMON maps with EQUIVALENCE references, a list of all subroutine and functions used by each program module within a program, and a statistical table of counts of variables, constants, literals, and input-output units.
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Common block size
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, February 11 2009 @ 03:07 PM
I have a question about the length of a common block. I noticed that on page 6 of your document you said, "500 VARIABLE NAMES WITHIN A SINGLE COMMON BLOCK". I was wondering where that value comes from, where you found it, if you have any documentation, etc. Any help you can give would be appreciated.