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Warpstock Corporation
Welcome to Warpstock Corporation
Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 10:48 AM

Warpstock 2016 is here!

ArchiveThe week has finally landed in the calendar (or something like that).

Safe travels to all of our attendees and presenters, some of whom are coming from long distances to be with us this year. Watch the Warpstock 2016 page for news about streaming links and event updates.

If you really wanted to make it to the conference this year but were not able to do so, please drop us a note (or comment here) to let us know what we could have done to have helped make it possible or what we should consider doing in the future to get more people to the event.

On behalf of the Warpstock Board of Directors, I bid you a warm welcome to this year's Warpstock conference, and look forward to seeing everyone later this week.

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