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Warpstock 2017 Sessions

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Session Title


John Edwards Opening comments Welcome to Warpstock
Neil Waldhauer Introducing Attendees Attendees take turns explaining what they do with OS/2
Joe Suttle CMS Made Easy Presentation withdrawn.
Martin Iturbide OS/2 World poll results Martin will present the results of the many OS/2 World polls since 2013 which reflect some of the thoughts of the OS/2 online community. We will discuss some of the results and share opinions.
David Azarewicz What do ArcaOS drivers do and when do they do it? What do the various drivers do? When do they do it? What happens during a boot? How can you tell what is happening when things don't go right? This session will answer these questions and help you understand some of the basics of how ArcaOS gets going.
David Azarewicz Arca Noae Device Drivers: Recent Progress and Future Plans In this session, we will review the recent progress of the OS/2 device drivers. We will cover some of the issues that were encountered and the solutions that were implemented. The future plans of some of the key drivers will also be discussed. There should also be time to address questions from the audience. There has been some exciting progress in the past several months so you do not want to miss this session.
Lewis Rosenthal The How, What, Where, When and Who of AN subscriptions In this session, Lewis Rosenthal, Managing Member of Arca Noae, LLC, will compare and contrast the current subscription offerings available from Arca Noae, including the OS/2 & eCS Drivers & Software subscription and the new ArcaOS Support & Maintenance subscription.
Lewis Rosenthal How to access updates

In this session, we will discuss the current process for accessing subscription content, including updates to ArcaOS, as well as other offerings from Arca Noae, using a web browser and Arca Noae Package Manager. We'll also discuss upcoming changes and planned enhancements to the delivery system.

Alex Taylor Guiding the User:
UI & Documentation Design
A discussion of techniques and best practices for designing effective graphical user interfaces and documentation. The session will cover generally-applicable techniques, but with a focus on OS/2 applications.
Roderick Klein ArcaOS on tasty hardware No further description, it's a surprise presentation.

Tasty as an Apple :)
Lewis Rosenthal ArcaOS 5.1 roadmap

ArcaOS 5.0 is out the door and in the hands of many users. 5.0.1 quickly followed onto that, with additional incremental updates planned before the release of ArcaOS 5.1. 5.1 should bring with it several new and greatly anticipated features. While many of these are still in the planning phase, here's a peak at what Arca Noae has in store for the next release.

Gregg Young ArcaOS Tips, Tricks and Workarounds The presentation will review known issues with ArcaOS and the software shipped with it. It will cover workarounds and tips for addressing these. It will also cover config.sys tuning and tips for improving performance.
Neil Waldhauer Laptops and ArcaOS Considerations for running ArcaOS on a laptop.
Steven Levine Session Title Lorem ipsum.
Andy Willis How to build an RPM
Herwig Bauerfeind News from bww bitwise works
Adrian Gschwend Netlabs retrospective Netlabs' 20th anniversary is September 6. Adrian will do a Netlabs retrospective via Skype.
John Edwards Closing comments Warpstock 2017 wrap-up

Last Updated Saturday, September 09 2017 @ 07:29 AM; 24,891 Hits View Printable Version