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Warpstock 2013 Home Page

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The Board of Directors of Warpstock Corporation is pleased to announce Warpstock 2013.

The location chosen is the Drury Inn & Suites Airport, located at 1270 Virginia Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia, United States 30344.

The dates for Warpstock 2013 are Friday, October 4 through Sunday, October 6, 2013.

This year's event is dedicated to our friend and past Warpstock Treasurer, Stan Sidlov, who passed away suddenly December 31, 2012. Stan's contributions to Warpstock and to the OS/2 and eComStation user community over his many years of service will be remembered and appreciated by all for some time to come.

The registration fee for this year's event is $149. Also note that room availability may only be guaranteed through September 3. See the registration page for details.

Warpstock will release a series of fact sheets with details on a regular basis. The fact sheets can be found by going to the Fact Sheets Index.

Last Updated Tuesday, July 16 2013 @ 02:51 PM; 13,462 Hits View Printable Version