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Warpstock Corporation
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The Board of Directors of Warpstock Corporation is pleased to announce Warpstock 2012.

The location chosen is the Embassy Suites Portland Airport, located at 7900 NE 82nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon, United States 97220.

The dates for Warpstock 2012 are Friday, August 17 through Sunday, August 19, 2012.

Full conference attendees who register prior to July 16 will automatically be entered in a drawing to receive a $275 rebate against registration fees. Also note that room availability may only be guaranteed through July 15. See the registration page for details. Register NOW and SAVE!

Warpstock will release a series of fact sheets with details on a regular basis. The fact sheets can be found by going to the Fact Sheets Index.

Last Updated Monday, June 18 2012 @ 11:52 AM; 14,448 Hits View Printable Version