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Warpstock Corporation
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Saturday, August 31 2024 @ 10:36 PM

OS/2 History Project

Tell us your story of OS/2

Warpstock is an annual meeting of OS/2 users, to be held in Orlando, Florida on November 8 to 10, 2019. We are collecting stories about the history of OS/2. We are inviting those who worked on OS/2 at IBM, Microsoft, Taligent and elsewhere to tell us their stories. We will record these stories, adding to the lore of OS/2 already to be found on-line.

We would love to hear the story of your involvement with OS/2. OS/2 was created a long time ago. We're looking for personal stories of OS/2 seen through the lens of time. We can look at Wikipedia or other sources for the facts, but We're more interested in hearing what it felt like to create OS/2. Please contact me ( if you are willing to share your story. Warpstock will provide lunch.

Last Updated Saturday, November 02 2019 @ 10:12 AM; 37,119 Hits View Printable Version