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Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:02 AM

Which weekend works best for Warpstock 2008?

Aug 16-17 1 (1.64%)
Aug 23-24 2 (3.28%)
Aug 30-31 ( Labor Day) 4 (6.56%)
Sept 6-7 4 (6.56%)
Sept 13-14 3 (4.92%)
Sept 20-21 4 (6.56%)
Sept 27-28 7 (11.48%)
Oct 4-5 (Jewish holidays) 5 (8.20%)
Oct 11-12 (Canadian Thanksgiving) 16 (26.23%)
Any of the above 15 (24.59%)
61 votes | 5 comments
Which weekend works best for Warpstock 2008? | 5 comments | Create New Account
The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.
which weekend poll
Authored by: jt on Monday, December 10 2007 @ 01:23 PM
Need to allow specification of more than one (but not all) weekends.
Timing of WS2008
Authored by: edgarscrutton on Monday, December 10 2007 @ 08:31 PM
August date may allow 'family' vacations before/during/after WS2008 if the Event occurred near/at a destination conducive to a family activity (ie: Disneyland/Disneyworld).
WS2008 should avoid LabourDay, (British Spelling), Jewish Holidays, Canadian/USA Thanksgiving and of course WS2008Europe. Would more people be able to come during the summer or would they prefer not to interrupt their family vacation for WS2008? That might be another question. Perhaps other Warpees might have some suggestions for questions to be entered into the survey? Note: it is easy to post an idea/comment here on the Geeklog. EDGAR

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Windsor, Ontario. Canada. N8X 1E8