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Warpstock Corporation
Welcome to Warpstock Corporation
Friday, January 24 2025 @ 07:15 PM
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Register Early for Warpstock 2011

ArchiveRegister for Warpstock 2011 in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina and save 10% until July 16.

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the availability of registration for this year's event, scheduled for October 14-16. Please follow the Warpstock 2011 link to the main event page. Additional details for the event will be forthcoming, so be sure to stop by often.

This year's presentations are outlined on the Sessions page.

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Warpstock 2011 Location and Date Announcement

ArchiveWarpstock Corporation is pleased to announce the location and date of Warpstock 2011. The city of Raleigh/Durham North Carolina has been selected as the location, and the dates will be Friday, October 14th, through Sunday, October 16th. There will be a Welcome Dinner Friday night and presentations will begin Saturday the 15th at 8:30AM. Sunday sessions will run till 1PM (though those staying Sunday night will undoubtedly have ad-hoc sessions Sunday afternoon).

The 17th annual Warpstock will take place in Durham North Carolina
October 14 to 16, 2011
Warpstock, Corp., is a Virginia corporation. The Warpstock annual
conference is a gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from
around the world for the purpose of education and advocacy. More
information is available at the Warpstock web site:
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Warpstock 2011 call for letters of intent

ArchiveThe Warpstock Corporation Board of Directors is seeking letters
of intent from groups or individuals wishing to host Warpstock
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Countdown to Warpstock 2010

ArchiveAre you ready for the trip? Remember, US travelers to Canada must have passports. How about your other Warpstock paraphernalia? Be sure that you've got everything you need for a fulfilling trip to this year's event, and don't pass up the opportunity to post in our forums about your transportation needs or anything else, for that matter.

Let's make 2010 another successful event!
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Warpstock 2010 Registration Deadline Extended

ArchiveMissed the June 30, 2010 registration deadline?

By special arrangement, the Board of Directors is able to grant an
extension to the deadline for Warpstock 2010 to July 15, 2010. There
will be no further extension possible to this deadline as we have to
make guaranteed arrangements with the Conference Centre at the
University of Waterloo for accommodation and meals.

Please take advantage of this opportunity to get your registration
in today.

Check the web site at For specific details check

All of the registration information is available at
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Warpstock 2010 Full Conference Registration - Now Available on eBay!

ArchiveFull conference registrations are now available via eBay. For those of you who may find it more advantageous to transact business through eBay's checkout system, please feel free.
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From the OS/2 Museum Archives: Free Software & Books

ArchiveIn past years, Warpstock has offered via raffle and later, via direct giveaway, various donated items to our attendees. This year, in an effort to streamline the process and to open up the offering to an even wider audience, we have the following materials available for direct transfer via USPS:


IBM's Official OS/2 Warp faqs by Mike Kaply & Tim Sipples
Just Add OS/2 Warp (shrink wrapped)

Software (boxed)

OS/2 Warp Version 3 - 3.5” Disks (5 4 sets)
OS/2 for Windows Version 2.1 3.5” Disks – Special Edition for use with Windows Version 3.1 (shrink wrapped)
OS/2 for Windows Version 2.1 3.5” Disks – Special Edition for use with Windows Version 3.1
OS/2 Version 2.1 3.5” Disks – Upgrade Edition

If you would like one or more of these packages, please send a note directly to treasurer [at] warpstock [dot] org, along with your shipping address. Note that there will be no cost to the recipient for US domestic shipping.

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Warpstock 2010 hats, shirts, mugs, and other swag

ArchiveOfficial Warpstock 2010 merchandise is now available in our store. All items feature the official event logo, commemorating Waterloo's rich history. These items are bound to be conversation starters wherever you go.

Dads, Father's Day is coming. If you're like me, the inevitable conversation at the dinner table for the couple weeks before centers around "what do you want this year?" Why not plant the suggestion of some great Warpstock stuff?

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Warpstock in the news

ArchiveThere is an article on InfoWorld mentioning Warpstock.,4
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Warpstock 2010: Call for Papers

ArchiveWarpstock 2010 will be held from August 6 to 8. 2010. Warpstock Corporation is calling for presentations on topics related to OS/2 and eComStation. If you would like to make a presentation, please send an e-mail with the proposed topic to Neil Waldhauer, presenters(At)warpstock{dot}org. Your proposal should contain a title and one paragraph synopsis of the topic to be presented. There are many new topics and some old ones that are desired. If you would like a list of desired topics, please contact Neil at the address above. You may also submit your proposal at: