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Main : Warpstock Presentations : O. 2008 : 
Category: Warpstock Presentations O. 2008 Submitted by: mckinnis
  eCS in virtual machines (installation experiences)    Popular
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Presenter: Chuck McKinnis
This session will cover the installation of eCS in the virtual machine environment. It will cover the virtual machine definition, installing eCS, setting up Internet and local network access, and other pertinent topics.
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Pointer integration
Authored by: mckinnis on Tuesday, September 23 2008 @ 07:09 PM
One of the major problems I reported with pointer integration under Parallels on both WinXP and Kubuntu was that the mouse buttons no longer functioned when the pointer integration software was installed. Although Parallels has not yet released a fix, a fairly simple workaround to the problem has been found. By running \drivers\mouse\os2\install.cmd and then copying \drivers\mouse\ecs12\mouse.sys to \os2\boot from the vmtools.iso CD, the mouse buttons are now working on eCS 1.2 and eCS 2.0RC5 under both WinXP and Kubuntu. The details are available at

Chuck McKinnis