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Warpstock Corporation
Welcome to Warpstock Corporation
Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 04:26 AM

Arriving early or staying after this year's event

ArchiveWarpstock's hotel contract extends the group rate ($104 USD per night; single or double) to include up to three (3) days prior to and three (3) days after the event, based upon availability. This means that you may book an extended stay, and if your room is available outside the event dates of November 8-10, you will be able to take advantage of the group rate for your stay.

Book early to ensure availability!

Remember, room availability for the event may only be guaranteed through September 30 and you must register with the hotel by phone in order to get the conference rate (use the booking code "WARPSTOCK"): 1-800-456-4000 or 1-407-856-8896. See the registration page for details and to register for this year's event.

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