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Monday, January 20 2025 @ 11:20 AM

About the Warpstock 2018 event logo

ArchiveHere are some interesting facts about the Warpstock 2018 event logo (read more, below).

The logo image incorporates Wonderland, a 39-foot-tall wire mesh head sculpture by Spanish artist Jaume Plensa, situated at the base of the Bow skyscraper. The work was unveiled January 25, 2013, on the south plaza of the building.

The Bow itself is the second tallest building in Calgary, comprising some 1,700,000 sq ft (158,000 square metres) of space, and standing 774 feet (236 metres) tall. Completed in 2012, and ranked among the top 10 architectural projects in the world of that year by Azure Magazine, the Bow comprises two floors of retail space, three floors of sky gardens, 53 floors of office space, and is also home to another work by Plensa, entitled Alberta's Dream located on the north side, depicting a bronze casting of the artist embracing a tree.

Other interesting facts about the original sculpture:

  • For Wonderland, the artist provided the fabricator with a digital model which was then used to create templates for bending and rolling the steel bars comprising the physical sculpture.
  • There are approximately 15,200 linear feet (4,633 linear metres) of 22mm and 18mm steel bars employed in the sculpture.
  • 324 small patches were combined into 30 large patches that were then assembled on site.
  • Approximately 12,000 intersections are connected with saddle welds in the scupture.
  • Approximately 2,100 butt joint welds (where two or more rods intersect on the same plane) are used to create the sweeping lines of the piece.

We think the image inspires a sense of discovery. Come discover something new about our platform of choice this September!

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