Warpstock 2021 Sessions

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Session Title


Neil Waldhauer Opening comments Welcome to Warpstock 2021
Roderick Klein Update from BitWise Works Including a demonstration of the new browser.
David Azarewicz Arca Noae Device Drivers A brief recap of some of the things that have been done with ArcaOS device drivers in the past year, and what is being worked on now. Includes some interesting details about the inner workings of some of the drivers.
David Azarewicz Hardware Choices for ArcaOS A brief summary of how ArcaOS runs on various hardware choices. Includes some things to look for when selecting a system to run ArcaOS.
Alex Taylor ArcaOS: UEFI & GPT Support (An Update) A discussion and short demo of how far the UEFI and GPT support for ArcaOS 5.1 have progressed since the spring.
Lewis Rosenthal ArcaOS Roadmap In this session, Lewis Rosenthal, Managing Member of Arca Noae, LLC, will discuss the extended maintenance cycle for the 5.0 release and the current status of 5.1 development, including major new features such as UEFI and GPT support.
John Edwards Closing comments Warpstock 2021 wrap-up

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