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Warpstock Corporation
Welcome to Warpstock Corporation
Saturday, August 31 2024 @ 10:03 PM

Hotel room block cutoff for Warpstock 2018 EXTENDED TO AUGUST 20!

ArchiveGood news!

Working with the hotel, Warpstock has been able to negotiate an extension of the room block cutoff until August 20. This adds a few more days to our guaranteed conference room rates of King or Two Double: $119 CAD/night; Suite: $134 CAD/night (remember, these rates are stated in Canadian Dollars; today's exchange rates have these figures at close to $90 USD and $100 USD, per night, respectively).

After the cutoff date, rooms will be available at the normal daily rate, as available.

Why wait? Register for Warpstock 2018 today, and use this direct booking link or by telephone: 800-830-5222 or 403-250-1800 to book your room. When calling or using the hotel's main website, use the booking code "0913WARPST" to get the conference rate (the direct link should apply this automatically).

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