Troubleshooting eComStation - A Guide to the Troubled
Presented at
Warpstock 2009, August 7-9, 2009
Steven H. Levine
eComStation is reliable and most of the time, it just runs day after day
with little or no attention.
However, as with any complex system, some systems will have issues.
eComStation supports a large number of tools that can prove extremely helpful
tracking down to source of an issue and often can assist in resolve the issue.
Exception Reporting
No one likes exceptions, but they do happen.
The kernel defines two types of exception reports
- Process Exception Reports
- Kernel IPE Exception Reports
Some applications define private exception handlers which replace the
default Process Exception report with an application specific report.
Examples of application specific exception reports include
- GCC LIBC Exception Reports.
- eWorkPlace Exception Reports.
- Innotek Font Library Exceptions.
- Exceptq Exception Reports.
Exceptions do not need to be fatal.
The application can attempt to recover from the exception and continue processing.
Process Exception Reports
The format of a process (i.e. ring3) exception report is
01-> 02-25-1999 10:58:35 SYS3175 PID 00b2 TID 0001 Slot 0068
03-> c0000005
04-> 1bf94e24
05-> P1=00000001 P2=00000000 P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX
06-> EAX=00000000 EBX=00060210 ECX=0002881c EDX=00060210
07-> ESI=00000001 EDI=00000002
08-> DS=0053 DSACC=d0f3 DSLIM=1fffffff
09-> ES=0053 ESACC=d0f3 ESLIM=1fffffff
10-> FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
11-> GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
12-> CS:EIP=005b:1bf94e24 CSACC=d0df CSLIM=1fffffff
13-> SS:ESP=0053:000287ec SSACC=d0f3 SSLIM=1fffffff
14-> EBP=000287f8 FLG=00012206
15-> DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00004e24
Kernel IPE Exception Reports
The format of a Kernel IPE (i.e. ring0) exception report will be
1-> <IPE specific Message>
ERROR AT LOCATION ##xxxx:yyyyyyyy - aaaa:bbbb
3-> lllll , ffff
4-> 038600d1
5-> INTERNAL REVISION 6 . 307 DATE: 92/03/01
1-> TRAP 0002 ERRCD= 0000 ERACC= **** ERLIM= ********
EAX= 7d240a58 EBX= ff202fdc ECX= 00064423 EDX= 00003624
ESI= fff3272c EDI= 7d240004 EBP= 00004a44 FLG= 00003202
2-> CS:EIP= 0160 : fff702a6 CSACC= c09d CSLIM= ffffffff
SS:ESP= 0030 : 00004a38 SSACC= 1097 SSLIM= 00003fff
3-> DS= 0158 DSACC= c0f3 DSLIM= ffffffff CR0= fffffffb
4-> ES= 0158 ESACC= c0f3 ESLIM= ffffffff CR2= 1a060014
FS= 0000 FSACC= **** FSLIM= ********
GS= 0000 GSACC= **** GSLIM= ********
ERROR AT LOCATION ##0160:fff6453f - 000d:a53f
60000 , 9084
INTERNAL REVISION 6 . 307 DATE: 92/03/01
GCC LIBC Exception Reports
Created when GCC LIBC (i.e. libc063.dll) receives an exception report.
The format of GCC LIBC report will be
Killed by SIGILL
pid=0x0061 ppid=0x0024 tid=0x0001 slot=0x009b pri=0x0200 mc=0x0001 N:\MOZILLA-TEST\SEAMONKEY\SEAMONKEY.EXE
LIBC063 ffffffff:ffffffff
cs:eip=005b:20d15cc1 ss:esp=0053:0011eaf8 ebp=0011eb14 ds=0053 es=0053 fs=150b gs=0000 efl=00212206
eax=20d42348 ebx=0011eb50 ecx=20da1618 edx=0011eb50 edi=0000000c esi=20d15cc0
Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it.
- Exception reports are written to the standard error output (i.e. the command line).
- Popuplog.os2 is suppressed.
- Easy to miss report if the application is a GUI application.
- To save output, redirect output to a file.
- Use the standard command line redirection syntax (1>error.log 2>&1)
or use Rich Walsh's Run!.
eWorkPlace Exception Log
Created when xfldr.dll (i.e eWorkplace or xWorkplace) or some DLL
it loads generates an exception.
- The exception reports are written to xwptrap.log or ewptrap.log.
- The exception handler is based on exceptq exception handler code so the report format is similar.
- The report file is written to the %TMP% directory or root of boot drive.
Innotek Font Library Exception Logs
Generated when the Innotek Font library (i.e. ft2lib.dll) generates an exception.
- The report format is similar to the standard process exception report.
- The exception reports are written to ft2excpt.log.
- The report file is written to root of boot drive.
- It usually requires a reboot to restore normal operation.
Exceptq Exception Reports
Generated by applications to use the exceptq exception handler.
- The exceptq handler is based on code orginally developed by IBM and released as Open Source.
- The exception reports are written to files named pppp_t.trp where
pppp is the process id and t is the thread ordinal.
- The exception reports are written to the working directory.
- Exceptq is distributed as a shared DLL.
- Exceptq uses standard .sym files to convert addresses to symbolic names.
- Fm/2 supports exceptq exception reporting.
- Some versions of the Mozilla apps support exceptq exception reporting.
Tracing is extremely valuable when you need to analyze application activity
over time.
There are a number of general purpose tracing tools.
- OS/2 Trace Facility
OS/2 Trace Facility
- Provides API level tracing.
- Ships with eCS/OS2.
- Implemented by TRACE.EXE and TRACEFMT.EXE.
- Limited output formatting
- Some documented trace points appear to no long operate.
- Two trace points are known to trap the kernel.
- Trace Setup Reference
is a cookbook setup guide.
- Trace Control Tool
provides a convenient wrapper around the trace command syntax.
The tool uses configuration files to provide repeatable trace setups.
Dave's Blatsche's OS2TRACE
- Provides API level tracing.
- Somewhat instrusive because it patches the binaries.
- Excellent output formatting.
- Has a GUI setup wrapper.
- Available from
or from
Dave's home page.
- Provides PM window message tracing
- Has good filtering options.
- Output typically requires a programmer to interpret.
- Download from
OS/2 Site
Logging in typically defined as recording unexpected events.
This is a fuzzy defintion because the distinction between
log data and trace data if often not black and white.
There are a large number of logging tools. The list includes
- System Error Log
- Mozilla Log Facility
- Innotek Font Library Log Facility
- eWorkplace Unexpected Condition Log
- GCC LIBC logging
- TCP/IP Syslog Facility
System Error Log
- The log entries are essentially a mini-process dumps with application specific data.
- The log data is often of limited usefulness because the captured data is not well documented.
- The logging facility is implemented by kernel APIs.
- Log record formatting is implemented by SYSLOGPM.
Mozilla Log Facility
- The Mozilla logging facility is comprehensive and configurable.
- It generally requires developer assistance to setup and interpret
- The documentation at
Mozilla Logging
provides a good overview of what can be done.
Innotek Font Library Log Facility
- The log facility records detailed font processing activity.
- The log data is written to files named ft2lib_x.log, where x is the library instance.
- The files are written to root of boot drive.
- Logging is controlled by HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\InnoTek\InnoTek Font Engine\Logging registry key.
- The logs are recommended for finding broken font files.
eWorkplace Unexpected Condition Log
- This log facility records unexpected conditions detected by eWorkPlace/XWorkplace.
- The log files are named ewplog.log or xwplog.log.
- The files are written to the %TMP% directory or the root of boot drive.
GCC LIBC Logging
- Records unexpected condtions by libc (i.e. libc063.dll).
- The log files have names of the form libc_pppp.log,
where pppp is the process id.
- The files are written to working directory.
TCP/IP Syslog Facility
- The syslog facility implements a standard TCP/IP service on well-known UDP port 514.
- IBM includes a syslogd implementation in \tcpip\bin.
- The IBM syslogd is configured with the syslog.cnf files stored in the %ETC% directory.
- A third party implementation known as syslogd v3a, available from
hobbes, is more feature complete than the IBM implementation.
- Syslogd v3a is configured with the syslog.conf file stored in the %ETC% directory.
Process Dump Facility
The process dump facility generates dump files in response to
otherwise unhandled process exceptions or on demand.
- The facility is configured by DUMPPROCESS statment or
PDUMPUSR command.
- The dump files are written to the configured directory.
- The dump files are formatted by Process Dump Formatter (pmdf).
- The Process Dump Facility is documented in x:\OS2\SYSTEM\RAS\PROCDUMP.DOC.
- The Process Dump Reference
is a somewhat dated cookbook setup guide.
- The Process Dump Control
script implements a convenient wrapper to setup and capture process dumps.
Trap Dump Facility
The trap dump facility generates dump files in response
to otherwise unhandled kernel exceptions or on demand.
- The facility is configured by the TRAPDUMP and PDUMPSYS commands.
- System dump files are written to named volume and destroy all content.
- System dump files are formatted by the Process Dump Formatter (pmdf).
- The Trap Dump Facility is documented in x:\OS2\SYSTEM\RAS\PROCDUMP.DOC
- Trap Dump Reference
is a somewhat dated cookbook setup guide.
- Dump Trap Screen
extracts the trap screen data from a dump file.
The utility is designed for systems that do not have a trap dump volume,
but that do have a diskette drive.
Process Dump Formatter (pmdf)
- Pmdf formats process dump files, system dump filess and system log facility dump files.
- Pmdf is a generic tool which is configured to match the system
that generated the dump file.
- Pmdf is configured with a combination of executable files (i.e. df_ref.exe),
symbol (.sym) files and structure definition (.sdf) files.
- The configuration files are built for a specific version of an
executable or kernel. However, some files will work for
multiple versions of a given excutable.
- For 14.104a kernels, use 14.105 df_ret.exe.
- The pmdfvers.lst file
defines the directories that contain the configuration files for a specific
- Pmdfvers.lst entries are indexed by the kernel internal version id
which is similar to the bldlevel string.
- Kernel Debugger Reference
is a cheatsheet reference to the kernel debugger and the
Process Dump Formatter.
System Analysis Tools
The system analysis tools analyze and report
data that is defined within the kernel
- Theseus implements comprehensive tools for memory and process analysis.
- Pstat implmenents a simple listing of loaded processes and DLLs.
- Psfiles lists all open files.
- Pssem lists all semaphores.
- Top displays process status in various formats.
- Cadh includes a process process status listing amoung its features.
Debuggers allow the operation of the kernel or an application to be
controlled and examined in very fine detail.
- Kernel debugger
- OpenWatcom debuggers (wdw and wd).
- VAC debuggers (icsdebug and idebug).
- ICAT debugger
Disassemblers are useful for understanding programs that do not
have available source code.
Final Thoughts
- Everyone should be aware of the
existance of "The OS/2 Debugging Handbook, #0.7a (sg244640.inf)."
It's included in the OS/2 Warp Toolkit on your eCS CD.
OS/2 Diagnostic Tools
is the home for many of the tools and documents discussed here.
- Join the developer community.